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Monday Prayer


Pastor Karen's Weekly Prayers


Pastor's Prayer

February 3, 2025

Dear Lord, what a privilege it is to be a part of the body of Christ. Thank you for my brothers and sisters that I serve with. I thank you for the blessing of their love and faithfulness to me, the church and especially to You. I ask Lord that You bless them in every way! I ask Lord that You guard and protect them with Your mighty Holy Spirit! May we continue to always walk together as one...serving You and You alone. We bless Your powerful name Lord. In Jesus Name, Amen


Past Prayer

January 27, 2025

Dear Lord, we come into your presence with thanksgiving in our hearts! You are a faithful and true God and a good good Father! We ask nothing of You today other than to hear our praises that we sing unto Your holy name! You are worthy of our praise, and we love You Lord! You have promised to never leave us nor forsake us, and we know You never have. May our praises be a sweet fragrance that permeates Your throne room today and may we humbly bow before You...KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!! 
In Your Son Jesus' precious and holy name, Amen.


Past Prayer

January 20, 2025

Dear Lord, as we watch our new president take office, we ask Lord that he remain ever close to You! We ask that You give Him ears to hear what You are speaking to him in these coming years! We pray for Godly counsel to surround him and his family. We pray for protection from the evil one. For we know the devil prowls around waiting for an opportune time to steal, kill and destroy. May we as a country come together as "One Nation Under God!" We ask also Lord, for your people to rise up and profess Your holy and mighty name! Ignite a fire in us to save the least, the last and the lost! As we have watched Your hand today turn the tide of this nation...Oh Lord may we be ready to fight for the lives of our families, our schools, our churches and this nation! And as we fight the fight of faith may we remember there is no better place for that fight than on our knees!! MAY GOD BLESS AMERICA AGAIN!!
In Jesus Holy Name, Amen!


Past Prayer

January 6, 2025

Dear Lord, as we begin this new year we pray for our nation. We used to be one nation under God and now I believe that we are under the powers and principalities of this present darkness! We ask that You bring us back to You and Your Kingdom. That Your Kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven! We pray for our leadership in our nation, in our states, in our counties, in our schools and in our homes! Bring us back to who we truly are and to whom we truly belong to! We thank You Lord for opening our eyes to see the truth of what is going on in all areas of our lives. May we become prayer warriors with our ears in tune to Your Word and our eyes sharp to see what needs to be done and how we are to pray!! Let us not be deceived any longer and as You pull back the darkness and reveal the evil one, we will give You the praise and the honor You so richly deserve!! 
We pray all of this in Jesus Holy Name, Amen


Past Prayer

January 13, 2025

Dear Lord, as we watch the beauty of winter unfold as the gray and brown landscape turns to a brilliant white, we are thankful. We are thankful for each season and the beauty that lies within it. It is just as the seasons of our lives; each has its own beauty, and each has its own challenges. Give us the strength Lord to meet each test and trial in each season with dignity and with grace. Help us Lord to see the beauty all around us as the seasons change. May we be an inspiration to all those around us as they watch us trust our Lord through it all. Through it all our eyes are on You Lord and it is well with our souls. Yes, it is well!
In Jesus Precious Name we pray, Amen


Past Prayer

December 30, 2024

Dear Lord, We come to You this morning and give You glory for another day! We ask Lord for You to give us wisdom and discernment for this new year about to begin!! Give us insight into all situations and we ask for Your Holy Spirit to guide us into more truth in the days ahead. As we learn more and more about You may our light shine ever brighter into this dark and hurting world and may we stand fast for the Truth, who is Jesus Christ the Lord. Let us be thankful for each day and the mercies You provide!! We look to You for our hope and our peace and we ask Lord for Your mighty hand to be upon us as we live out our faith...sharing it in word and in deed to all we meet!! We bless Your Name Lord, and we give thanks this day with a grateful heart. In Your precious Son's name JESUS! Amen!!


Past Prayer

December 23, 2024

Dear Lord, we pray tonight for all those who are missing someone at the table at Christmas dinner this year. We ask Lord that you comfort them as only You can.  We ask that the Holy Spirit Comforter be with them in this time. We never know Lord, when we will be missing from the table so let us love others with purpose, telling them every day how much we love them. May we cherish the moments we have together. We do not grieve as those who have no hope Lord, but we miss the ones we love. What a blessing to know they are with You and that one day we will be reunited again!! What a glorious day that will be!! We thank You for this blessed hope...we thank You for the promise of eternal life when we repent and turn to You...we thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to be with us in the good and the bad days...we thank You for Jesus the light of the world!! In the stillness of this Christmas season let us listen for His still small voice telling us He is with us...let us listen as the angel's cry " Behold we bring you good tidings of great joy!! Thank You for the joy of the season Lord.  In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen


Past Prayer

December 16, 2024

This is the day the Lord has made let us rejoice and be glad in it! Today we Oh Lord, we rejoice as we remember the coming of Jesus, Your Son! He is our hope, our peace and our joy! We give thanks with humble hearts as we remember His sacrifice so that we can live in eternity with You! For His sacrifice began on a cold dark night in a stable unfit for a King. He gave up heaven to come into a world that would reject Him, that would eventually try to kill Him, and it looked like they had succeeded until that bright morning when the stone was rolled away and Jesus was no longer dead but very much alive!! Today let us remember a RISEN KING!! LORD OF LORDS!! Now Lord, we await Your second coming let us be ready, let us be alert and let us continue to serve You, honor You, love You and praise You for all You have done, all You are doing and all that You will do!!
Come Lord Jesus! Come!!   In Jesus Mighty Name! Amen


Past Prayer

December 9, 2024

Dear Lord, You are the Prince of Peace, the Lord of Lord's and the King of Kings! We give You honor and glory today and we thank You for restoring peace to us through Your sacrifice with our Father in heaven. We thank You that we will walk in perfect peace as long as we have our mind stayed on Thee!!  As we keep our eyes on You, the things of this world will grow strangely dim and we will see the light of Your glory and grace. We lift our hearts to You today and we give You thanks for all the great things You have done...may we share the love that You have given us to all those we meet!! Grant us courage and wisdom to preach the gospel wherever we go this Christmas season and all year through! In Jesus Holy Name, Amen!


Past Prayer

December 2, 2024

Dear Lord, You are the only hope of the world. Without you we all are lost. Thank You Lord for Your precious Son Jesus who was born to save the world. As Christmas draws closer may it remind us again and again of Your unending love for Your people. You knew we needed a Savior and were willing to sacrifice Your precious Son so we could live! I pray Lord that we do not waste one moment of the time You have given us...may we leave a mark for You wherever we go! Give us boldness to proclaim Jesus to all we meet, give us a love like Yours for the lost and I pray we never forget the cost of our salvation. In Jesus Holy Name, Amen


Past Prayer

November 25, 2024

Dear Lord, As we celebrate Thanksgiving in a few days, let it be a reminder of all the blessings we have. Remind us Lord to be thankful in all circumstances. As we gather with family and friends, let us think on those who may be alone or have suffered loss in this past year and let them know we love them and we are praying for them. We ask for Your comforting presence to be with them and to give them assurance that You will always be with them. We pray for peace, Oh Lord, for this nation as we hear rumors of another war. We ask for Your protection Lord as things seem to be escalating. As Your people, Lord, we cry out to You for our safety. Stir up Your church again to pray without ceasing for this nation to become One Nation Under God Again!! We ask all this in Your precious Son’s Holy Name, Amen


Past Prayer

November 11, 2024

Dear Lord, Thank You for the blessed rain last night and thank You for Your Holy Spirit that reigns down on us from on high. We thank You for the power and wisdom that comes from Your Precious Holy Spirit and how we are enabled to walk in peace within when we have Him in our hearts. We ask Lord for Your protection for the church and for this nation and on all those who have chosen to follow You. Oh Lord, we ask that this nation truly does become " ONE NATION UNDER GOD" again. Call Your people to arise for the battle is never over! Call Your people to stay awake and alert to the tricks and the deceitfulness of satan, our enemy.  Call Your people to open their eyes to see with great discernment and to open their ears so they may hear Your call!! And as Your Spirit reigns, we will see great and mighty things in YOUR NAME begin to happen! Protect us Lord in these days, show us how to fight and win the battles on this earth for those who have lost their way. For we know that You are the WAY, THE TRUTH AND LIFE!  We know that You NEVER LEAVE US NOR FORSAKE US...may Your Holy Spirit never cease to pour down like rain on Your people!! REVIVE US AGAIN O LORD!!
In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!


Past Prayer

November 18, 2024

Dear Lord, thank You for the children. Thank You for the joy and the innocence they bring to our lives. Show us how to reach and teach Your children Lord. Give us a strength and exuberance for them!! We ask for great wisdom and creativity to reach them for Your kingdom! We pray for protection for these dear ones, we ask for a hedge of protection around them.  Yes Lord, we ask that You give us boldness to go into the dark places and rescue them from the evil one. Let us not be afraid, let us not turn our heads when we discern trouble and let us continue to be on our knees for this generation...for they need our prayers! We also pray for those making the decision to keep their babies or not...we pray Lord that You intervene and to show us how to stand in the gap for these men and women who are being so deceived. Oh Lord, hear our heart cry tonight, hear our prayers of life and life abundant for these that are so precious to You. Lead and guide us us the Way.  In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen!


Past Prayer

November 4, 2024

Dear Lord, as we watch the nation this morning and all the chaos that is going on...we must keep our eyes on You!
These are days when our faith is tested! When what we believe must be our anchor!! We all cry out to You O Lord, to stop the schemes of the evil one! We know this election is about life and death, we know that it is a spiritual battle between good and evil, so Lord we stand today in the Power of Your Holy word and Name!! We ask that You heal our land as we repent of our deep and dark sin in this nation, the killing of our children, the innocents. We pray today that every "believer" vote for life today O God....hear our cry!! Hold us accountable Lord for who we follow in these our eyes and our ears for the "Great Deception" of the age is here!! We pray Lord, that Your will be done and we know Lord, You do hear our cry! 
In Jesus Holy and Righteous Name, we pray! Amen and Amen!


Past Prayer

October 28, 2024

Dear Lord, we come humbly before Your throne today and ask You to heal our land. This once great nation has fallen and continues to slide down a very slippery slope. Wake us, the church, up to see what is truly going on!  Shine the light of Your righteousness into the darkness and reveal it!! Oh Lord, we are in very perilous days, where evil is called good and good is called evil! Days where it is hard to know what is right and what is wrong! Give us Lord, great wisdom in the days ahead...we know You have a plan to prosper this nation again if only we lift our hearts to You and You alone!! Give us boldness to speak for the TRUTH OF THE GOSPEL!! Give us discernment to see what TRUTH is and what it is not!!  And give us strength to stand when all looks lost...let us never give up and never surrender to the enemy our souls!! Let us keep strong in the POWER OF YOUR MIGHT!! We thank You Lord that You hear our cry, and we know that YOUR WILL...WILL BE DONE!!
In Jesus Mighty Name! AMEN!


Past Prayer

October 21, 2024

Oh Lord! How beautiful Your creation is!! As I look at the turning of the leaves, I am always amazed at how You put this world together! It humbles me to see Your Greatness in Your handiwork!! From the tallest mountain to the bottom of the sea, Your hands have created it all!!  We thank You tonight for the intricate details, for the care you took to make all of this beautiful earth and call it good. May we always remember as we look to You how majestic You are!! How powerful Your Holy Name is!! How with a Word You spoke all this into existence!! For You truly are King of Kings and Lord of Lords...yes You are!! We worship You tonight in spirit and in truth and we thank You Lord for Your goodness and Your mercy towards us...and as we look around, we thank You for Your beautiful creation....In Jesus Holy Name, Amen

Past Prayer

July 18, 2022

Good morning, Lord, thank You for another day, thank You for being with us through the storms of life, thank You for being an ever-present help in trouble. You tell us to give thanks with a grateful heart in all circumstances, so today we give thanks for Your mighty hand in our lives. We thank You for your great wisdom and strength. We thank You for giving us that wisdom and strength when we ask. Help us Lord to keep our eyes upon You, for you are the One who shows us the Way...the only Way and that is through Your precious Son Jesus...May Your Word be a lamp unto our feet and a light unto our path. We love You Lord...In Jesus precious name, Amen

Past Prayer

July 11, 2022

Dear Lord, we give thanks to You today for all you are to us. Our redeemer, our rescuer, our protector, our comforter, our Father. You are a good and gracious Father to us, and we love You. You guard and keep us with Your righteous right hand! You are the Bright and Morning Star! The Alpha and the Omega!! The Beginning and the End!! We give thanks with a grateful heart to You Oh Lord today for Your provision in all circumstances. May we ever be mindful of Your Presence in our lives and live each day for Your glory professing Your goodness to all we meet! . In Jesus Holy and Mighty name, Amen!

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